Princess Escapes Murder Plot, Finds Refuge with Seven Miners

Woman Mirror

FOREST KINGDOM – In a shocking turn of events, Snow White, a local princess known for her beauty and kindness, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt allegedly orchestrated by her stepmother, Queen Grimhelde.

Sources close to the royal family confirm that the Queen, driven by jealousy over Snow White’s growing beauty, ordered a huntsman to kill the young princess in the nearby enchanted forest. However, in a twist of fate, the huntsman reportedly could not carry out the brutal task. Instead, he allowed Snow White to flee into the forest, where she sought refuge.

In an exclusive interview with forest residents, it was revealed that Snow White was discovered by seven miners, commonly referred to as “dwarfs,” who work in a diamond mine deep in the woods. The miners, identified only as Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey, confirmed that they took Snow White into their modest home after learning of her plight.

“She was exhausted and frightened when we found her,” said Doc, the apparent leader of the group. “We offered her shelter, and in return, she’s been keeping the house in order and even cooking meals for us.”

Local authorities have launched an investigation into the Queen’s alleged role in the plot. Reports suggest that the Queen used a magical mirror to confirm Snow White’s continued survival. Unverified accounts claim the Queen then resorted to witchcraft, disguising herself as an elderly peddler and offering Snow White a poisoned apple during a recent encounter in the forest.

“We’re treating this as a deliberate act of attempted murder,” said Sheriff Woodman of the Enchanted Forest Police Department. “We’re working closely with magical authorities to verify the claims of dark magic.”

According to witnesses, Snow White was found unconscious by the miners after consuming the apple. “She just collapsed, and we couldn’t wake her up,” Grumpy said in an emotional statement. “We thought we lost her.”

In a remarkable twist, a passing prince, whose name has yet to be released, happened upon the scene. He is said to have kissed Snow White, reviving her from what many had feared was an eternal sleep. “It was a miracle,” one of the miners added.

Snow White has since been reunited with the prince and is reportedly planning a return to the royal court. The fate of Queen Grimhelde remains unclear, though rumors suggest she has fled the kingdom following her plot’s failure.

Local residents have expressed relief and joy at Snow White’s recovery. “She’s the heart of this kingdom,” one villager said. “To see her safe and well gives us all hope.”

This is a developing story. Updates will follow as more information becomes available.