Mystery Solved: Twelve Princesses’ Nightly Disappearances Uncovered by Soldier, Ends in Royal Wedding


ROYAL PALACE, ENCHANTIA — After weeks of concern and speculation over the mysterious nightly exhaustion of twelve royal princesses, the mystery has finally been solved by an unlikely hero: a former soldier who uncovered the secret of their late-night adventures. His discovery has not only brought an end to the puzzling events but has also earned him a royal marriage.

The unusual case first came to public attention when King Alaric, the father of the twelve princesses, issued a royal decree asking for help. Despite being locked securely in their chambers each night, the princesses were found each morning with their shoes completely worn out, appearing exhausted. Their repeated denials of any strange activity led the king to offer a reward to anyone who could solve the riddle—whoever discovered where his daughters went each night would be granted one of their hands in marriage.

Many princes and noblemen tried their luck, only to fail without uncovering the truth. The breakthrough came when a humble soldier, recently returned from battle, offered to take on the challenge. With the advice of a mysterious old woman he met along the way, the soldier was equipped with an enchanted invisibility cloak and some key advice: to stay awake and watch without being seen.

On his first night at the palace, the soldier was able to follow the princesses undetected. According to his report, once the princesses believed everyone was asleep, they opened a secret passage under their bedroom floor and descended into a magical underground realm. “It was unbelievable,” the soldier recounted. “I followed them through a passageway to an enchanted lake where twelve princes were waiting with boats. Each princess paired with a prince, and they sailed to a magnificent castle where they danced the night away.”

For several nights, the soldier observed the same pattern: the princesses would disappear into the magical world, returning just before dawn with worn-out shoes and no memory of being followed. Armed with this knowledge, the soldier reported back to the king, presenting the worn shoes as evidence.

Upon hearing the truth, King Alaric confronted his daughters, who confessed to the nightly excursions. “We didn’t mean any harm,” the eldest princess explained. “It was a magical realm that drew us in each night—we couldn’t resist.”

True to his word, King Alaric offered the soldier his choice of one of his daughters to marry. The soldier chose the eldest princess, and the two were wed in a grand ceremony attended by nobility from across the land.

The secret passage to the underground realm has since been sealed, ensuring the princesses will no longer be tempted by the nightly dances. “I’m just glad it’s all out in the open now,” said the youngest princess. “Those nights were fun, but it feels good to finally get some rest!”

The kingdom has praised the soldier for his cleverness and bravery, with many hailing him as a hero. “It took both wit and patience to solve this mystery,” said one palace official. “And now, thanks to him, the kingdom has not only restored peace but also gained a new royal couple.”

As for the princesses, they are reportedly enjoying a more peaceful lifestyle, and the soldier—now a prince by marriage—has settled into palace life alongside his new bride.